Muttathe Mulla

The minor income set, unskilled labourers, vendors and the bypassed downtrodden of the society are still in the clutches of Blade mafias. Micro financiers and other Shylocks. The poor can never escape from these crooks and villains. A co-operative movement committed to serve the community cannot bypass this with a negligent eye. So we decided to intervene by commencing a new scheme Muttaththe Mulla to be managed by the Kudumbasree.

The members will visit the loaner, converse with the family, offer it a loan of 12% interest to be payable per annum. The return will be collected every week by the Kudumbasree members themselves. This versatile scheme was initiated all over Kerala by Department of Co-Operation.

This scheme is implemented by the Primary Co-operative Societies in each area in collaboration with 1 to 3 Kudumbasree units in each ward, depending on the number of applicants. The scheme is as simple as the current interest rate loans. Kudumbasree workers will deliver money to the needy in their backyards. Kudumbasree units will have no difficulty in locating the real needy and providing loans and repayments as they are locals and acquainted with each other. Kudumbasree has taken over the work of Annan from another state and it is always good to free the rural people from the debt trap. Instead of Anna's black bags, the white bag of the neighboring Kudumbasree member can be used to get money.

Muttathe mulla cash credit of Rs. 20 lakhs is initially sanctioned for a Kudumbasree unit of maximum 10 persons. Loans range from Rs 1,000 to Rs 50,000 per person. Only 12% interest will be charged. Out of this, only 9% interest is charged by the groups. 3% interest can be used by the Kudumbasree unions for operating expenses in this regard.

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